Top Varicose Vein & Spider Vein Treatments
Spider and varicose veins can not only be unsightly, but they can also cause pain and discomfort, which is why many eventually seek treatment for them. However, there is a range of different procedures, making choosing the best one for you somewhat difficult without a professional opinion. That’s why the team from The Veins Doctor is here to offer some important insight- Top Varicose Vein & Spider Vein Treatments
We’ve provided varicose vein treatment in Guildford to many patients who are satisfied with the results. Here, we wanted to give you some more information about the process so you can make an informed decision!
What Exactly Are Spider and Varicose Veins?
You might be surprised to learn that many adults are affected by varicose veins or spider veins or both. It’s a common condition that one can develop as a result of abnormally enlarged blood vessels and some studies have shown it affects nearly 50% of the overall adult population. Of course, some cases are worse than others and can even be quite painful if gone untreated.
Although not commonly known, there is a difference between spider veins and varicose veins. The former, also known as telangiectasias, is when blood vessels cluster close to the skin. They often resemble a spiderweb in appearance, hence the name, and can be red, purple, or blue. Spider veins are most commonly seen on the face and legs. The fact is that a third to a half of patients with spider veins have underlying varicose veins, even if they do not have symptoms.
Varicose veins, on the other hand, are when your veins dilate so that the valves inside are not able to close properly anymore and they might look like twisting or bulging on the surface of your skin. Varicose veins most often appear on the legs, and they can be particularly painful, especially if you spend a lot of time on your feet during the day.
What Causes these Two Types of Vein Issues?
Both spider and varicose veins are caused when there’s a problem with your blood vessels and they’re unable to carry blood back to the heart from other parts of the body. Rather than return the heart, when speaking about varicose veins, these blood vessels can form pockets in your veins; blood pools there since it can’t make its way back to the heart and this creates a chemical trauma on the tissues caused by the carbon dioxide and the metabolic wastes that are in the venous blood – this might lead in time to complications like ulcers. Visible spider and varicose veins mean that there is blood in your veins that has pooled there and caused them to dilate.
Spider veins, on the other hand, are cosmetic, but they can be a sign of an existing hidden varicose veins problem. The fact is that a third to a half of patients with spider veins have underlying varicose veins problems.
What Type of Person Gets Spider or Varicose Veins?
The short answer is – anybody. Any older adult, even in the peak of health, can begin to develop spider or varicose veins, and both men and women have the same risk. However, there are some factors that can make you a more likely candidate for getting spider or varicose veins down the road, these include:
- Hormone Therapy
- Birth Control Medication
- Prior Vein Surgery
- A Family History of Varicose Veins
- A Medical History that Includes Blood Clots
- Prolonged Standing or Sitting
What Are Some of the Symptoms of Spider & Varicose Veins?
Although the symptoms will be different depending on a variety of factors, such as your age and the severity of your condition, there are quite a lot of common symptoms that come along with spider and varicose veins, such as:
- Cramping of the Legs
- Heaviness
- Tingling
- Burning
- Swelling
- Throbbing
- Aching
It’s important to note that those who pass long periods sitting or standing, whether at home or at work, will often experience more acute symptoms. In worst-case scenarios, some people suffering from varicose veins may also develop skin ulcers and discoloration. However, the good news is that there are varicose vein treatments out there that can help.
Most often, these ulcers appear as open wounds on the lower leg and if gone untreated, could cause infection. Additionally, blood clots within the veins themselves and bleeding from untreated varicose veins can also occur in more extreme cases.
How Are Spider & Varicose Veins Diagnosed?
When receiving a spider or varicose veins diagnosis from a qualified and reputable health professional, they’ll start by closely examining the affected area of your body. For many, this means a close inspection of the legs. The specialist will both look at the affected area, in addition to pressing on certain areas of the skin while paying close attention to obvious signs of complications, such as skin discoloration, swelling, redness, or ulcers. Once they’ve thoroughly inspected your spider or varicose veins and determined the severity, they’ll then do the Doppler-Ultrasound scan on both legs to see if there is any venous reflux (varicose veins) and, if so, which veins are causing the problem and what is the best treatment plan that offers minimal pain and discomfort.
Some of the most common forms of spider and varicose vein treatment include:
Compression Stockings:
Also referred to as support stockings, these can provide relief to those suffering from spider and varicose vein symptoms by improving the circulation in your legs. They come in many different sizes and strengths, so be sure to ask your healthcare professional what will work best for you. The fact is that these stockings do not treat the varicose veins and do not stop their deterioration and will not stop complications in the future. They just make the deterioration slower and reduces (just reduces) the possibility for complications appearing.
Lifestyle Changes:
Sometimes, all you need to do to relieve some of the symptoms of varicose and spider veins is to make a few lifestyle changes. Developing a regular exercise and weight loss plan can certainly help, in addition to avoiding sitting or standing for long periods of time. Elevating the legs when you’re relaxing is another way to encourage blood flow. Again, all these will just partially relieve the symptoms, but will not treat the varicose veins or stop complications from appearing.
For more severe cases of spider and varicose veins, your specialist may recommend more immediate treatment in the form of sclerotherapy. This is when your spider or varicose veins are removed by injecting a solution directly into the affected veins that essentially cause them to collapse and recede.
Laser Therapy:
Another form of spider vein treatment is laser therapy, which is performed on-site in your healthcare professional’s office. This form of treatment employs a focused laser beam that heats the affected blood vessel and damages it until it recedes, similar in fashion to sclerotherapy. Often, it may take more than one session for optimal results.
Vein Surgery (vein ligation and stripping):
However, latest studies and research have clearly shown that these methods are not efficient, extremely traumatic and have a recurrence rate of more than 80%, and usually the recurrence is worse than the initial illness itself!
Endovenous Laser:
This type of surgical procedure is minimally invasive and involves a thin fiber that’s inserted into your affected varicose, through which a laser light is emitted. This causes the vein to contract and fade away. It’s performed under local anesthetic to cause minimal pain and discomfort and can often boast better recovery times than other procedures. This procedure is highly efficient and, if correctly performed by a suitably qualified surgeon, the risk of recurrence is 3%.
Radiofrequency Ablation:
Another form of spider and varicose vein treatment is radiofrequency ablation, which is similar to endovenous laser treatment. However, rather than using laser light to break down veins, this treatment employs specialized radio frequencies that cause the vein to heat and contract.
Are There Any Ways to Prevent Spider & Varicose Veins?
Although many adults do get spider and varicose veins, there are steps you can take to prevent their severity or from getting them at all, these things include:
- Exercising on a regular basis
- Avoiding standing or sitting down for extended periods of time
- Elevating your legs during rest periods to encourage healthy blood flow
Contact us today for varicose vein and spider vein treatment in Guildford!
If you’re tired of dealing with pain and discomfort from your spider or varicose veins, the team from The Veins Doctor can help. Dr. Omar Abu-Bakr boasts more than a decade in cutting-edge varicose vein treatment. In fact, he’s been a pioneer in the industry and is the first surgeon to treat huge varicose veins using the Endovenous Radial Laser 1470 nm without the need for open surgery.
For those interested in varicose vein treatment, The Veins Doctor offers consulting services, as well as a variety of treatment options, including:
- Transluminal Occlusion Of the Perforators (TRLOP)
- Micro-phlebectomy
- Ultrasound-Guided Foam Sclerotherapy and microsclerotherapy
- High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU)
- Endovenous Microwave Ablation of the veins (EMWA)
- Endovenous Laser Ablation of the veins (EVLA)
During your initial consultation with Dr. Omar Abu-Bakr, he’ll explain the severity of your condition, as well as what type of treatments are available to you. At The Veins Doctor, we want you to feel as comfortable as possible, which is why we go over every detail of your procedure with you and address any questions and concerns you have.
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