Seven Everyday Ways to Help Treat Varicose Veins

Varicose veins can cause pain and discomfort to people who suffer from them. And while we provide cutting-edge varicose treatment in London, we wanted to take this opportunity to highlight some simple home and everyday methods that can help reduce the discomfort:  Treat Varicose Veins In London


Simple Remedies That Can Help Treat Varicose Veins

  • Start Exercising so you help and Treat Varicose Veins

One of the best ways to help manage varicose veins is exercise. Not only will increased exercise help your overall health, but it also helps blood circulation which in turn, can assist blood movement within your veins. Another added benefit of regular exercise is that it will reduce blood pressure which can be a cause of varicose veins.

Such things as elliptical workouts are great since they offer a low impact activity, which will not put a lot of strain on your legs and calves but will nonetheless provide them with a great workout. Some other low-impact exercises you can try are walking, stationary or regular biking, yoga, and swimming. If you are just starting these activities remember to ease into them and work your way up.

  • Rubbing & Massaging

Another great and easy way to get your blood flow going is by massaging and rubbing down your legs. Now, remember, you never want to put pressure directly on the vein as this can harm tissue and exasperate the issue.

Try to use this as a time to relax, and if possible, using oils or body moisturiser can help when massaging your legs. Listening to calming music is a great way to help you relax and focus on improving your rubdown and blood flow.

  • Diet

Your diet can also play a role in treating varicose veins. Foods that are rich in potassium such as almonds, cooked spinach, apricots, and others can lower your body’s water retention. Lower sodium intake to reduce water retention while increasing potassium.

To avoid constipation, eat fiber-rich foods like whole-grains, flaxseed, and avocado. Foods high in flavonoids can help reduce varicose veins by increasing blood flow and lowering blood pressure.

Add citrus foods, cocoa, garlic, broccoli, and onions to your diet to get more flavonoids.

Also, a big reason and motivation to improve your diet is that individuals who are overweight have a higher probability of suffering varicose veins.

  • Compressions Stockings & Socks

Compression stockings increase blood flow to the heart by providing pressure to the legs, reducing discomfort caused by varicose veins. They are easily available at local pharmacies and online stores.

  • Foot & Leg Elevation Is Key – Help Treat Varicose Veins

Elevate your feet periodically throughout the day to improve circulation and lower blood pressure in your legs. Use another chair to rest your feet on or put pillows on your couch or chair during your free time. Avoid crossing your legs while sitting.

  • Moving & Staying Active

Sitting for long periods is not ideal for treating varicose veins. Try to be as active as possible, even while sitting down. Set a timer to remind you to move every 15 or 30 minutes.

Since many of us are working remotely these days due to COVID-19, getting into this habit can be a bit easier than if you are in a crowded office.

  • Avoid Tight Clothing

Avoid tight and restrictive clothing that can limit blood flow. Choose looser-fitting clothes and avoid wearing high heels, opting for flats or running shoes instead.

 Treat Varicose Veins In London

While these home methods may help, nothing can take the place of seeking professional medical treatments for varicose veins. When you come to Dr. Omar Abu-Bakr, you will be getting the best varicose vein treatment possible in London. Dr. Abu-Bakr is the very first UK surgeon to utilize HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound) SONOVEIN S treatment. During your consultation, we’ll explain available treatments and answer all your questions about treating varicose veins.

Find help,  Treat Varicose Veins In London with Dr Omar Abu-Bakr

To learn more about Dr. Abu-Bakr and the latest treatments available at our clinics, contact us today for varicose vein treatment in London.

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